🔡 U+1F521 • alphanumeric-characters
The input latin lowercase emoji is used to indicate that an input field should contain lowercase letters from the Latin alphabet. It represents a specific requirement for lowercase text, as opposed to uppercase or other symbols. This emoji can suggest that the input is expected to be more casual or standard, as lowercase letters are commonly used in everyday writing. It may also serve as a visual reminder for users to follow formatting guidelines, often ensuring consistency in text input fields.
The input latin lowercase emoji is also known as abcd Emoji.
The input latin lowercase emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09026
alphanumeric-charactersabcdinputlatinletterslowercaseCopy the input latin lowercase emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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