🫵 U+1FAF5 • hands
The index pointing at the viewer emoji shows a hand gesture where the index finger is extended outward, as if directly pointing at the person who sees it. This gesture can metaphorically represent the word "you," making it a simple and direct way to engage with someone personally. It is often used to draw attention, emphasize importance, or highlight involvement in a message. For example, it could be used to indicate that the person receiving the message is being addressed directly, whether to assign responsibility, emphasize their role in a situation, or simply create a sense of connection in conversation.
The index pointing at the viewer emoji is also known as You Emoji.
The index pointing at the viewer emoji was approved in Unicode 14.0 and added in Emoji 14.0, see related proposal L2/20212
handstop-100atfingerhandindexpointingpokevieweryouCopy the index pointing at the viewer emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
🫵 Click to copyMicrosoft
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