🇭 U+1F1ED • country-flags
The Hong Kong SAR China flag emoji represents the official flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China. The flag has a red background with a white, stylized Bauhinia blakeana flower in the center. The flower has five petals, each with a small red star, symbolizing harmony and connection to China. This flag reflects Hong Kong's distinct cultural identity and its status as a special administrative region following the 1997 transfer of sovereignty from the United Kingdom to China. The emoji is often used to represent Hong Kong in a variety of contexts, such as discussions about its culture, history, or current events.
The flag: Hong Kong SAR China emoji is also known as HK Flag Emoji, Hong Kong Flag Emoji.
The flag: Hong Kong SAR China emoji was approved and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09379
country-flagsflagCopy the flag: Hong Kong SAR China emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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