👨 U+1F468 • family
The family emoji featuring two men and two girls represents a family made up of two fathers and their two daughters. This emoji is a powerful symbol of diverse family structures and highlights the presence of same-gender parents raising children. It promotes inclusion and recognition of different family dynamics in a way that is easily understood and visually depicted. This emoji is part of the family emoji series, which includes a variety of family compositions to represent the vast range of relationships found all over the world. It is commonly used in conversations about families, parenting, and love, especially when celebrating LGBTQ+ families or advocating for equality and acceptance. The emoji provides a simple yet meaningful way to express the idea of family in digital communication. It can be used in personal messages, on social media, or in discussions about representation and diversity. Overall, it is a symbol of love, care, and the unique bonds shared within a family.
The family: man, man, girl, girl emoji is also known as Family: Fathers, Daughters Emoji.
The family: man, man, girl, girl emoji was approved and added in Emoji 2.0, see related proposal L2/15029
familyfathers-daylgbtchildfamilygirlmanCopy the family: man, man, girl, girl emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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