🧐 U+1F9D0 • faces-with-glasses
The face with monocle emoji shows a face with one eyebrow raised and a monocle placed over one eye. This emoji is commonly used to represent a sense of curiosity, inspection, or critical thinking. It is often associated with a thoughtful or questioning tone, as though someone is carefully examining a situation or detail. It can also convey an air of sophistication or formality, as monocles are traditionally linked to an old-fashioned, upper-class style. People use this emoji when they want to express doubt, analyze something closely, or add a touch of humor by appearing intellectual or posh.
The face with monocle emoji is also known as Monocle Emoji.
The face with monocle emoji was approved in Unicode 10.0 and added in Emoji 5.0, see related proposal L2/16313
faces-with-glassesclassyfacefancymonoclerichstuffywealthyCopy the face with monocle emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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