⏏ U+23CF • av-symbols
The eject button emoji represents a triangle positioned above a horizontal line. This design reflects the action of ejecting or removing something, such as taking out a DVD, stopping a process, or ending a task. People frequently use this emoji to symbolize the need to leave or exit a situation promptly. It is a popular choice in conversations about technology, but it can also be used to express a desire for a quick escape or closure in other contexts. Its simple yet universally recognized design makes it effective for conveying the idea of removal or stopping.
The eject button emoji is also known as Eject Emoji.
The eject button emoji was approved in Unicode 4.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/08246
av-symbolsbuttonejectCopy the eject button emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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