✴ U+2734 • other-symbols
The eight-pointed star emoji depicts a star with eight evenly spaced points, arranged symmetrically. This emoji is often used to symbolize brightness, uniqueness, or to highlight something important in a conversation. It can also carry a sense of wonder and is sometimes linked to celestial, mystical, or spiritual meanings. The eight-pointed star design has been a symbol in various cultures and contexts, often representing balance, guidance, or cosmic harmony. This versatile emoji is a simple yet expressive way to add emphasis or convey a sense of radiance in digital communication.
The eight-pointed star emoji was approved in Unicode 1.1 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/14093
other-symbolseight-pointedstarCopy the eight-pointed star emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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