😿 U+1F63F • cat-faces
The crying cat emoji is a version of the crying face emoji, but it features a cat instead of a human face. This emoji displays a cat with a sorrowful expression and a single tear falling from one of its eyes. It is often used to express feelings of sadness, emotional distress, or a sense of disappointment, but with a touch of cuteness due to its feline depiction. People may use this emoji in situations where they want to share their emotions in a way that feels softer or more playful. Its design and purpose tie into the widespread affection for cats as symbols of both comfort and vulnerability.
The crying cat emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09026
cat-facesanimalcatcrycryingfacesadtearCopy the crying cat emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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