👿 U+1F47F • negative-faces
The angry face with horns emoji shows a face, usually purple or red, with a frowning expression, furrowed eyebrows, and two small horns sticking out of the head. It is often used to represent anger, mischief, or a devilish personality. This emoji can symbolize a devil or demon and is commonly used in playful or humorous ways to add a sense of wickedness or mischief. It might also be used to show someone feeling very upset or acting in a way that seems mischievously bad. Its design and meaning make it a popular choice for expressing strong emotions or joking about being naughty in a lighthearted manner.
The angry face with horns emoji is also known as Imp Emoji, Demon Emoji, Devil Emoji.
The angry face with horns emoji was approved in Unicode 6.0 and added in Emoji 1.0, see related proposal L2/09026
negative-facesangrydemondevilevilfacefairyfairytalefantasyhornsimpmischievouspurpleshadetaleCopy the angry face with horns emoji to your clipboard to use on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and more in one click.
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